Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.

In the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne of which St Bernard’s Catholic Parish is part, we consider the safety and well-being of all persons to be our highest priority.  We acknowledge that children, young people and vulnerable adults may require additional safeguards to promote their safety and well-being and promote their participation.

Clergy, employees and volunteers are committed to upholding the right to safety of all persons and to participate in creating a culture of safety supported by policies, practices and procedures that strive to prevent abuse in the first instance and to respond appropriately and effectively if abuse does occur.  Across the Archdiocese, we strive to create an inclusive and welcoming Church that enables its people to grow and develop in their faith free from abuse, harm and neglect.

Our St Bernard’s Catholic Parish has well-documented policy and protocol documents based on CAM (Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne) advice and directives. These documents are displayed in St Bernard’s Church Gathering Space.

Safeguarding Commitment 2024

Safeguarding Special Statement for Children

Safeguarding Policy Children and Young People

Safeguarding Code of Conduct Adult

Safeguarding Code of Conduct Youth 16-25

Safeguarding Reporting Abuse St Bernards

Safeguarding Risk Assessment Form