The Sacraments are truly the seven wonders of the spiritual world.
In the sacraments we come closest to God this side of heaven.
God in His mercy reaches out and touches the recipients of the sacraments in effective ways.
In them He meets you and me in a personal and intimate way.


Children over the age of seven require some basic instruction before baptism. If you are a parent desiring baptism for your child please contact the parish office for more information.

Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation

If your children have been baptised and you desire for them the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Communion or Confirmation, we offer a catechetical programme to prepare them to receive these Sacraments.

Please complete the Sacrament enrolment form and email to the parish office, or simply contact the parish office for more information.

Note: an administration fee of $100 applies for each Sacramental preparation course.


Application forms: