What is Baptism?

The Sacrament of Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, making us sons and daughters of God and members of the Body of Christ.  Through Baptism, we are welcomed into the Catholic Church, the community of faith.  When we are baptised, the Holy Spirit comes to live within us.  Baptism enables us to receive the other sacraments and grow in the life of the Risen Christ.

The Sacrament of Baptism is often called “the door of the Church” because it is the first of the seven sacraments – namely:  Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation, Holy Matrimony, Holy Orders, and the Anointing of the Sick.  The reception of all other sacraments depends on it.

Many Catholics receive this sacrament as infants.  Before infants are baptised, the parents and the godparents receive preparation for their child’s sacramental faith journey.

In asking to have their child baptised, parents and godparents assume the privilege and responsibility of raising their children to live the Catholic faith.  The parishes of St Bernard’s and Saint Anthony’s are here to support families with the information, resources and encouragement that is needed in order to raise a child in the faith. 

When is Baptism offered?

The Sacrament of Baptism is offered at 11.00am on the first and third Saturdays of the month at St Anthony’s Church, Melton South and second and fourth Saturdays at St Bernard’s Church, Bacchus Marsh.  It is preferable that we have two months’ notice before a Baptism.  To book a date for the Baptism of your child, contact the Parish Office.

Baptism Preparation Session

Parents and godparents of children being baptised must attend this session at the Parish church.  At this meeting, you will have the opportunity to meet our priests, catechists, and other parents and godparents.  The duration of this session is 90 minutes.  Kindly arrive 15 minutes prior.  So that you can give our presenters your full attention, we request that you arrange care for your children while you attend this session.

Parents and Godparents must attend the Baptism 90-minute Preparation Session.

Complete the Online Course on Baptism by Fr Mike Schmitz


Baptism Preparation dates for
St Anthony’s Parish Church, 67 Exford Road, Melton South

Thursday 25th January 2024 at 6:30pm  

Thursday 23rd May 2024 at 6:30pm 

Thursday 25th July 2024 at 6:30pm 

Thursday 26th September 2024 at 6:30pm 

Thursday 28th November 2024 at 6:30pm

Baptism preparation dates for
St Bernard’s Parish Centre, 61 Lerderderg St, Bacchus Marsh.
Entry via carpark

Sunday 11th February 2024 at 11:30am

Sunday 14th April 2024 at 11:30am 

Sunday 9th June 2024 at 11:30am

Sunday 11th August 2024 at 11:30am

Sunday 13th October 2024 at 11:30am


Godparents form a spiritual relationship with their godchildren through Baptism.  Therefore, choosing godparents is an important step in planning a baptism.  Great consideration should be given as to who may be able to take on this great honour but a huge responsibility.  Although it would be wonderful to offer this honour to your best friend, if he or she doesn’t share your religious beliefs or does not meet the qualifications set by the Catholic Church, they shouldn’t be your baby’s godparent.  It’s vital to choose godparents who are practising Catholics, since their role is to help your child live a devout Christian life.  A praying godparent would pray regularly for their godchild, and a godparent who practices his or her faith will be an admirable witness for their godchild helping guide them by example to the person of Jesus.

 During the ceremony, godparents make solemn promises before God and the Church to honour their own Baptism and the teachings of the Catholic Church.  Your child may have a maximum of two godparents (one male and one female).  Godparents must be baptised practising Catholics.  As long as there is one Catholic godparent, a person baptised in another Christian Church may be permitted to act as a Christian Witness in place of the second godparent.  Non-Christian persons cannot be godparents.

Baptism Donation

Upon registration, you will be asked to make a $125 donation to the parish.  The donation is payable electronically.  The donation breakdown is as follows:  $100 donation to support the upkeep of the priests in the parish, plus a $25 donation for the Baptism pack.

Baptism Donation:

You will also need to purchase a Baptism Candle.  We have some available through the Piety Stall at the church.  Handmade candles can also be sourced from Handmade by Fiona www.handmadebyfiona.com.

If you have any enquiries, please contact:
Dolores at St Bernard’s on 5367 2069 (Tue – Thu) or
Judy at St Anthony’s on 9747 9692 (Mon – Wed) or
email Dolores or Judy at enrol4sacraments@gmail.com

Visit Us

St Bernard’s Catholic Church
61 Lerderderg Street
Bacchus Marsh VIC 3040

St Bernard’s Parish Office
Tuesday–Friday | 9.00am–1.00pm
03 5367 2069

Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Church
309 Myrniong-Korobeit Road
Korobeit VIC 3341

St Bernard's Catholic Church

Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Church